October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
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Campus Safety Comparison Chart

Noah Greenberg from the website Find The Best offers a great resource in the Campus Safety Comparison chart.

It is never too easrly in the school year or never too late into the summer to consider which college campuses are safer and which are not. This comparison chart compares all types of college campuses for all types of crime including murder, forceible rape, aggravated assault. You will be able to see where extra caution around the campus is needed. Some surprising colleges make the top of the list for most violent.

Here are the top five most violent:

Institution NameCity
City where entity is located.
StateYearTotal StudentsTotal Crime  MurderForcible Rape
Forcible sex offense
Aggravated AssaultRobberyBurglaryVehicle Theft
Ohio State University-Main Campus Columbus OH 2009 55,014 235 0 20 4 10 178 13
Stanford University Stanford CA 2009 18,498 179 0 10 5 2 146 15
Arizona State University Tempe AZ 2009 68,064 176 0 3 20 5 119 29
Michigan State University East Lansing MI 2009 47,071 169 0 16 9 5 123 9
Michigan State University College of Law East Lansing MI 2009 964 169 0 16 9 5 123 9


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