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October 2009

Incredible Time Lapsed Graffiti

A must view - Here is a great video on graffiti that is amazing and beautiful. Not only is it a range of amazing images, it also shows the ephermal life of graffiti in fast forward. Incredible, creative and beautiful images are paintd over in the span of seconds. Keep watching and you will alwyas see something new. Bravo to
This video from the art group COMBO has awesome roving camerawork that documents huge great graffiti pieces being painted on the walls, floor and roofs of a derelict courtyard over ten days. And stop-motion animation techniques bring it all to life. Add weird layers of sound design and a looping pattern to melt your mind even more, and this stuff feels like the graffiti-meets-film making...

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Graffiti Supplies

I never knew that they made spray paint specifically for graffiti. In fact I didn't know there was a need for such a product. A company in Barcelona Spain called MTN (Montana) makes specific markers and spray paint for graffiti and there is a store called Art Primo where you can buy spray caps designed to give you specific lines used in graffiti. Since graffiti is illegal in most places I wonder how these products are sold openly?  And since graffiti is a street activity that uses everyday items, I wonder if there is really a market for this.

Does anyone have more information?


Is Nothing Sacred?

I just read that Los Angeles is destroying what is believed to be the largest piece of graffiti in the nation.
A contractor for the US Army Corps of Engineers began painting over the gigantic "MTA" on the concrete bank of the Los Angeles River. "MTA" stands for Metro Transit Assassians" and is 57 feet high and one-third of a mile long.

Is nothing sacred??

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Roomba Art

You know that wierd self propelling vacuum called Roomba? Well it is creating art. So let's file this not under "street art" but under "living room" art.

Roomba art. As far as we can tell, the trend started on a blog called Signal Theorist, who got the idea to set up a camera, turn off all the lights, and take a long-exposure photo of the Roomba's path as it "did its thing." The result looked like an awesomely psychedelic electrical spider web.
