Detroit Disassembled aka Ruin Porn
This week offers an exhibition at the Queens Museum of Art of Andrew Moore's haunting photographs of Detroit as it decomposes. A full review of the show appears on Art Cards. Here is the intro to Gabriella Radujko 's review:
Andrew Moore’s must see photographs in Detroit Disassembled at the Queens Museum of Art capture the ruinous state of Detroit after the collapse of the automotive industry. The colors are lush, the light, ecclesiastical; and Moore captures the intensity prescribed by Frederick H. Evans who urged photographers to “wait till the building make you feel intensely”.
This exhibition and review are very timely for me. In the next few days you will see a post on the concept of "Ruin Porn" which is when there is an artistic celebration of ruin and decay. Many artists, including myself, are attracted to ruin because of its drama and inherent mystery and beauty. but there are those who feel that a celebration of ruin without a solution to the problem is just like pornography - without any redeeming social value. I disagree but how do you feel?
I would like to take up a website authored by the make believe individuality posting comments in national politics, existing activities, information for example..Precisely how?.
Posted by: tv and internet | 05/11/2013 at 03:54 AM