Urban Art Fair June 30-July 3, 2017
Spray Painting Robot Street Artist?

How a Korean Barista Is Turning Lattes Into Frothy Versions of Art History’s Greatest Masterpieces

I am not sure about drinking in the colors of this cup of coffee but it sure is beautiful!

Lee-Kang-Bin-CreamArt-1024x1024Each latte painting costs over $8 and takes 15 minutes to create.

It’s not every day that a simple cup of coffee becomes a work of art—unless you barista is South Korea’s Lee Kang-bin, who paints famous artworks and other incredible designs into lattes at Cafe C. Through, his coffee shop in Seoul.

“One time I drew The Starry Night and it looked so special as the famous painting placed on top of coffee. After that, lots of people ordered that coffee,” Lee told Reuters. His take on the Vincent van Gogh masterpiece was soon followed by a drinkable version of Edvard Munch’s iconic The Scream, and caffeinated Edgar Degas-style ballerinas.

Latte art has admittedly become something of cliché, but this is no simple heart or flower traced in the frothy milk layer atop your cup of joe. Lee’s full-color creations, painted with food coloring-enhanced heavy cream, aren’t even identifiable as a beverage, let alone a cup of coffee. He’s dubbed the new art form “CreamArt.”



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