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3-D Printed Nails are the New Manicure

Laser-Girls-3D-printed-nails-6Call this crazy weird. Call this genius. I love these new three dimentional nail manicures, though I think having them would make me dizzy!

The background: A collaboration by NYC-based digital artists Sarah C. Awad and Dhemerae Ford, also known as the Laser Girls, created 3D-printed nail art featuring adhesive nails with unique and extravagant patterns that can only be achieved with 3D-printing technology. The 3D-printed adhesive nails show another potential application of the technology in the beauty industry. The designers are currently in residency at the Museum of Art and Design in New York. The designs are available on their Shapeways shop.

Is Street Art Losing Its Edge? Video on PBS

This is a subject that I have pondered for a while - what happens when street art goes mainstream? When it becomes acceptable and even encouraged? When the galleries and auction houses start pricing it? Does it lose its edge?

Some past posts:


The Big Boo Hoo on Street Art

The Beginning of the End of Street Art

NY Post - When Museums Start hailing Graffiti

I have been following street art for years. I have photos from Florence Italy in 1974 of graffiti (for that is what it was called in those days). The evolution of graffiti into street art has been gradual and exciting. And now, especially with Banksy's NYC installation month completed, street art is now in the forefront of the public's affection with art.

Is this good? I am ambivalent. On the one hand I am thrilled that street artists are getting the recognition they deserve. On the other hand I am concerned that street art will lose its edge, which is what makes it so exciting and attractive to me. Here is a video of a short special recently on PBS highlighting Banksy and interviewing Steven Harrington of the always great Brooklyn Street Art blog.