Looking Back at New York Weather History: May 2
2001 (Wednesday)
Today's high reached a record 90°, the first 90-degree day since last year on Aug. 9. This was the earliest first-90 in ten years. (The first such reading typically occurs at the end of May.)
2009 (Saturday)
The 0.11" of rain that fell between 3-5 AM made this the sixth year out of the past seven in which some measurable rain fell on this date (and in nine out of the past twelve years).
2010 (Sunday)
It was unseasonably warm, with a high/low of 88°/66°, nineteen degrees above average. Today's high was the hottest since April 7, when the high reached 92° (the earliest 90-degree reading on record).
2012 (Wednesday)
The day was gray and raw, with just three degrees separating the high and morning low (53° and 50°). The low was average for the date, but the high was 14 degrees below the norm.
2018 (Wednesday)
It was a clear, dry, and hot day, with a record-tying high of 90°. This was the first reading in the 90s of the year, the earliest date for it since 2010 (when it happened on 4/7, the earliest on record). Only 11 years (going back to 1869) have had an earlier date for their first reading in the 90s. Like yesterday, today's humidity was very low, especially during the afternoon when it dropped to 13% (it bottomed out at 12% yesterday). As a result, the "feels-like" temperature was somewhat cooler than the air temperature, in the mid-80s.
2020 (Friday)
Usually a high of 73° in early May doesn't warrant attention, but this year it did because this was the first reading in the 70s in more than six weeks (since 3/20).
2018 was the fourth year in a row in which the first 90° day was earlier than the previous year's first such day. the year's first 90° day in 2014 was on July second, then on June 23 in 2015, May 26 in 2016 and May seventeenth in 2017.
Posted by: William | 04/19/2019 at 06:46 AM