Looking Back at New York Weather: July 31
Today in New York Weather History: August 1


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July 2019 had lows of 67° or warmer on all but one of its days (7/1 was the exception, with a low of 65°). this was the most on record for July. the previous July record was in 2015, 2013, 1994 and 1955. all of which had 29 such lows. this joined the Augusts of 2015 and 2005 as the only three months with as many as thirty days of lows of 67° or warmer. 2018 has the most such lows (17) of any September on record, the old record was in 1971 with sixteen.


1898, 1908 and 2020 are the only three Julys in which the last fourteen days of the month all had a low of 70° or warmer.


hi Rob. I don’t know if you knew this but 1976, 1984, 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2021 are the only six years since 1970 to have a June with more 90° days than July.


when only the individual calendar months with at least eighteen days of measurable precipitation are accounted for, where does July 2021 rank in terms of the most precipitation of these kinds of months?


Only one month with more than 10 inches of precipitation has had as many days of measurable rainfall as July 2021's 18 days, and that is June 2009, which had 10.05" (about an inch less than July 2021). By the way, the average number of days of measurable precipitation for months with 10+ inches of precip is 13.


with 11.09” of rain, July 2021 joined just four other summer months with at least eleven inches of rain.

July 1889 had 11.89” of rain.
July 1975 had 11.77” of rain.
August 1990 had 12.36” of rain.
August 2011 had 18.95” of rain.


in 2021, June had at least one heat wave, even though July had no heat waves. when was the last time June had at least one heat wave and July didn’t? does this kind of occurrence usually happen a lot or not really?


Although I've written a report about June heat waves, I haven't done any research that addresses the scenario you've described. Perhaps one of my readers has done such research?


do you think July 2022 will end up having a high of 80° or warmer on every single day of the month?


No. It's likely there will a day or two with rain during the afternoon that will keep the temperatures in the 70s, or a day with winds off the ocean that will create a bank of clouds.


how surprised are you to find out July 2022 actually ended up having a high of 80° or warmer on every day of the month even though you initially suspected this wouldn’t really happen?


Yes, I was surprised since it was just the third time on record, for a rate of once every 51 years. And all of the 10 hottest Julys had at least one day with a high below 80 (and the hottest July, in 1999, had three).


Regarding having 80+ every day in July, 2022, what helped was a weather quirk of sorts on July 9. Everywhere from Philly to DC stayed "stuck in the 70s" with clouds, drizzle and light rain, but NYC metro on north was sunny and over 80. Were it not for that day, all those areas to the south would've had 80+ every day in July as well.

Ironically this streak ended on August 1 in a similar way, metro NYC was in clouds, drizzle and light rain until only a couple of hours before sunset and didn't get to 80, but many points north were clear and sunny for longer and did.

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