Summertime in New York as Portrayed by Covers of The New Yorker
Covers of The New Yorker not only capture the personality of the residents of New York but also the beauty and humor of the various seasons there. This post looks at my favorite covers that celebrate summertime in the City, either through humor, childhood memories or the depiction of leisurely stay-vacations in the area.
I've written a similar post about my favorite wintertime covers. Large reproductions of these covers, as well as every New Yorker cover (nearly 5,000), are available for purchase on Conde Nast's website. (And small versions are sold by street vendors throughout midtown Manhattan.)
Why is a picture of King Kong called "Godzilla & the Super Soaker"?
Posted by: Maury Schott | 06/16/2014 at 03:21 PM
Oops, I must have been thinking about the new Godzilla movie. I've corrected it. Good catch!
Posted by: Rob | 06/16/2014 at 03:46 PM