In Winter It's A Marshmallow World: New York Snow History
Cold, Raw Days of Late May

Warm Weather in May




The month of May typically sees six days with highs in the 80s or above, three of 85°+ and one reading in the 90s (although it happens in only two out of five years).  Going back to 1869 there have been seven Mays with no days in the 80s/90s (most recently in 2003 and 2005), while May 2015 had the most - eighteen (but no  readings in the 90s).  Meanwhile, May 1991, the warmest on record, had the most days in the 90s (five).  However, the hottest readings didn't occur that year: 1962 has that distinction, with a high of 99° on May 19, followed by 97-degree days on May 30, 1969 and May 31, 1987.  And going back to the 1870s, three dates - 5/1, 5/13 and 5/14 - have never had a high in the 90s.


(Since 1915)
  80+ 85+ 90+ Hottest
2015 18 10 0 88
1991 17 10 5 93
1944 14 7 1 92
1977 13 4 2 92
2010 12 5 1 92
1965 12 6 4 94
1959 12 8 3 94
2007 11 5 2 91
1986 11 8 3 94
1964 11 5 2 94
1962 11 6 3 99
  80+ 85+ 90+ Hottest
2005 0 0 0 79
2003 0 0 0 79
1983 0 0 0 79
1928 0 0 0 79
1927 0 0 0 79
1924 0 0 0 75
1915 0 0 0 79
1997 1 0 0 83
1968 1 0 0 80
1917 1 0 0 84





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