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June 2022 Weather Recap - Largely Uneventful, on the Dry Side


June 2022

June 2022 was slightly cooler than average (-0.6 degrees), and rainfall of 2.92" was 1.62" below average.  The first half of the month was 1.4 degrees above average, the second half was 2.6 degrees below average (ironically, the month's four warmest highs and lows were all in the second half of June).  This was the third June in a row with less than three inches of rain, but this June had more than the previous two (2.62" in 2021, 1.76" in 2020).  More than 70% of the month's rain fell in the first nine days of the month; less than an inch fell in the last three weeks.  Other observations:


  • The month's hottest reading was 90° on 6/25, which came six days after the coolest reading (54°).


  • The warmest mean temperature came the day after the hottest high.  At 89°/74°, it was also the most above average day of the month (+7 degrees).  The low was the only low in the 70s during the month.


  • Father's Day had the coolest low in June (at 54°, it was the coolest reading on Father's Day since 1958).  And with a high of 73°, it was the first Father's Day in ten years not to have a  high of 80° or warmer.  A week later, the low on the day of the Gay Pride Parade, 74°, was the warmest of the month (and tied for second warmest low on Gay Pride Sunday).


  • In between highs of 88° on 6/17, and 90° and 89° on 6/25 and 6/26, the seven days in between were six degrees cooler than average, with a high/low of 75°/60°.


Here are June recaps from the previous six years: