October 2023 Weather Recap: Warm Beginning & End
October 2023 was was 2.6 degrees warmer than average. It was the fourth mildest October in the years since 2000 and the 20th mildest since records began in 1869. The first week of the month was seven degrees above average; Oct. 27-30 was 14 degrees above average. These 11 days were 10 degrees above average; the rest of the month was one degree below average.
Three days had highs in the 80s: 10/3, 10/4, and 10/28. The warmest reading of 83° on 10/4 was the warmest reading in October since 2019. And the high of 80° on 10/28 was Central Park's latest reading in the 80s since 1993 when it occurred on 11/15. (Average date of the last high of 80+ is 9/28.)
After 14.25" of rain fell in September (the fourth rainiest month on record), October dried out and had about ten inches less. Although the 3.90" that was measured was slightly below average this was the driest October since 2018. Much of of the month's rain came from three storms between 10/14 and 10/30: 0.81" on 10/14; 1.51" on 10/20-21; and 1.06" on 10/29-30.
In addition to October 2023, October 1936 also had 3.90" of rain. And five other Octobers had very similar amounts. In 1987, October had 3.89"; October 2015 had 3.91"; October 1973 had 3.92"; October 1979 had 3.87"; and October 1980 had 3.86".
Chilliest day of the month was on 10/31, with a high/low of 51°/45°. Only October 2021 had a milder "chilliest" reading in October (47°).
Here are recaps of previous Octobers: