November 2023 Weather Recap
November 2023 was 1.3 degrees chillier than average. And while its average high was just 0.7 degree below average, the low was 2.0 degrees colder than average.
Almost all of the month's interesting aspects (i.e., biggest rain event, mildest and coldest temperature) occurred in the last ten days of the month.
Most of November’s 2.95” of rain (somewhat below average) fell during 11/21-22 when 2.52” poured down (much of it on the 22nd, which was the day before Thanksgiving). This was the biggest November rainstorm in seven years. It soaked the area after just 0.07” was measured in the first 20 days of the month. This November’s total rainfall was close to last November, which had 3.15”.
The fall’s first low of 32° or colder occurred on 11/25, which was four days later than the average date for this occurrence.
The month’s coldest reading was 27° (on 11/29), which was also Nov. 2022’s coldest reading. However, this November’s mildest reading of 67° was ten degrees cooler than last November.
Finally, temperatures on the Sunday of the NYC Marathon (11/6) and on Thanksgiving Day (11/23) were very similar, with highs and lows of 56°/44° and 52°/44°, respectively. And neither day had any rain.
Here are recaps of NYC's previous eight Novembers:
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